James Champagne

The Book of the Cobwebbed Ones

The Cobwebbed Ones is the collective title given to various trans-cosmic dark gods whose names are written down in the tattered leaves of the Booke of Calthurr. Analogous to the Great Old Ones found in the fictions of H.P. Lovecraft, they form an anti-pantheon of the Kali Yuga. Though the names of a few of these entities have appeared in other shadowy grimoires throughout antiquity, the Booke of Calthurr is the only known book in which they are referred to as the “Cobwebbed Ones.” Students of the occult believe that the entities are referred to as the Cobwebbed Ones because the gods are considered to be very, very old. Although the exact number of Cobwebbed Ones is unknown, some of the more prominent ones mentioned in the Calthurrian Mythos include Ezaba, Gogoratha, Kuuta-Zloggos, Llinghul, Tuluruz, Urluk, and Zumb Zumb, entries in which follow. Although instructions are provided for those who wish to evoke the entities in question, great caution must be urged on this issue, and only the serious and experienced practitioner should consider doing such a ritual.

EZABA: Name of one of the Cobwebbed Ones mentioned in the Booke of Calthurr. Ezaba is associated with the element of water, and its totem symbol is the frog (and various other batrachia). Worshiped mainly by sinister tribes scattered throughout the islands of the South Pacific, Ezaba is supposedly evoked through rituals involving blood and human sacrifice, preferably in locations close to ponds, lakes or rivers. Ezaba is said to manifest in the form of a gigantic frog skull, with two pillars of green flame pouring forth from its empty eye sockets, along with two antlers growing from the top of its skull (some depictions of Ezaba portray this frog skull as being connected to an enormous green termite body, however). The shade cast by this god’s presence has been labeled “Tsathoggua” by some occultists. Votaries of Ezaba sometimes refer to themselves as “The Deep Ones.” Its number is 307, and those wishing to evoke it should croak its name in the key of “F.”

GOGORATHA: Title of a Cobwebbed One that manifests in the Booke of Calthurr. Little is known about this deity, though His name translates as “He Who Has Thousands of Eyes Which Froth Like Bubbles.” His number is 888, and when evoking His name should be vibrated in the key of “D.” An air elemental of sorts, Gogoratha is generally considered one of the more benign of the Cobwebbed Ones, and it is said he blesses his followers with dreams and visions of gigantic rainbow-colored bubbles drifting serenely over the ruins of lost cities or the voids of outer space.

KUUTA-ZLOGGOS: Also sometimes spelled Kuta-Zlog and Kuuta-Zloggeld. The Name of a Cobwebbed One that appears in the Booke of Calthurr. Its number is 415 and it can be summoned by chanting its name in the key of “B” flat. In Roman times, some of its eunuch acolytes worshipped it under the name of Floutinus. Associated with the element of fire, Kuuta-Zloggos often manifests as an enormous nine-eyed black lamb seated on a fiery cosmic throne made up of dead naked children, wearing a crown made of bloody thorns and castrated genitalia. Like Ezaba, Kuuta-Zloggos is primarily worshipped through the practice of human sacrifice, mainly through the ritual immolation of virginal children.

LLINGHUL: A Cobwebbed One whose name appears in the Booke of Calthurr. Similar to Lord Shiva in his Mahakala guise, Llinghul is the Great Spoiler of Worlds, the God of Mold and the God of Rust. It is said to reside in an alternative dimension known to certain initiates as the Ghooric Zone (the gateway of which is said to be found on Pluto, or Yuggoth). Its number is 1040, and its name should be vibrated in the key of “C” sharp. Although it is said to have no true permanent form, it often manifests as an enormous monster with an eyeball for a head (which is surrounded by a grim wreath of exotic plants and poisonous vipers), a humanoid upper body with frog legs in place of human arms and hands, and a scaly lower body in the shape of an enormous snake’s tail. Because the coming forth of the Llinghul is said to be the advent of the Apocalypse, the god has been embraced by various doomsday cults throughout history, including an obscure society of esoteric Eskimos known only as the Sukko-Torngark Cell. Readers interested in learning more about this particular god should consult Prof. Eugene Kilpatrick’s The Omega Cults (published posthumously by Fludd University Press in 2008).

TULURUZ: One of the so-called Cobwebbed Ones whose name crops up repeatedly in the Booke of Calthurr. In assorted grimoires, it is depicted as a very large creature, with a round body covered in black fur. The creature’s face is located in the center of this body, and it consists of a giant snake-like eye and a snow owl’s beak. Tall antlers grow out from the top of this body, with a large rhinoceros horn in between them. Tuluruz also has two gigantic batwings, and dangling from the bottom of its body are three enormous slime-drenched tentacles. Although its gender is never specified, some occultists (such as Adrian Lore-Hadit and Stephen Sennitt) believe Tuluruz to be feminine in nature, on account of the fact that it is associated with the Moon (and thus the goddess of witchcraft Hecate), and also because its followers are, generally speaking, women who engage in Sapphic rites when they wish to evoke the entity (who responds primarily to vaginal vibrations induced by lesbian sexual activity). Its number is 266, and its name should be vibrated in the key of “G” sharp. It is believed that Tuluruz resides on the back of the Tree of Life, in the Tunnel of Set sentineled by the non-being Qulielfi. Thus it is written that Tuluruz may only be evoked at night. It is also written that Tuluruz, when evoked in the proper fashion, tends to bless its followers with a special cosmic pollen that allows one to shape-shift into a new form, resembling that of a grasshopper-like monster with angelic raven wings. Creatures sacred to Tuluruz include the bat, the toad, the owl, and the black cat. The dandelion is also one of Tuluruz’ symbols. Elizabeth Brund was supposedly a member of the Tuluruz cult.

URLUK: One of the Cobwebbed Ones whose name is mentioned in the Booke of Calthurr. Urluk is said to resemble a gigantic pulsating orb whose fleshy body is composed entirely of ears of all different shapes, sizes and species. When evoked, it announces its presence by emitting a droning buzz similar to the sound made by cicadas in the summer months. Urluk is associated with the winter season, arctic wastes, and frozen climates, and these are considered by certain occult authorities to be the best places to attempt an evocation of the entity. Aside from the ear, other objects symbolic to Urluk include blood, snow and black flowers, and thus its colors include red, white and black (nocturnal insects are also associated with Urluk). Its number is 131, and its name should be evoked in the key of “A.” The powers of Urluk are mysterious and esoteric, and it is perhaps one of the most mysterious of the Cobwebbed Ones (it has been suggested by some Typhonian occultists such as Michael Staley that Urluk serves as the “ears” of the Cobwebbed Ones). In terms of astrological correspondences, the tenth planet (known to some initiates as “New Isis” or “Planet X”) is linked to Urluk.

ZUMB ZUMB: Chief Emperor of the Cobwebbed Ones and the archetypal opposite of the deity known as Kind Hands. Also known as the God of Infinite Angles, the Great Destroyer, the Cosmic Infector, the Omega Contagion, the Destroyer of Days, the Final Vampire, the Angel of the Aeon of Extinction (or Ashenzohn), and the Patron Saint of Black Holes, Zumb Zumb resides in the germ dimension known as the Crooked Universe, where it rules over the locust-like race known as the Lar-Vi. Being a personification of Kaos, Zumb Zumb has no true tangible shape, but is often pictorialized as a bloated cloud of pure Anthrax formed in the shape of a malefic toad or demonic crab (or some combination thereof), a giant baleful eye surrounded by a thundercloud maelstrom of chaotic non-Euclidian angles, gaping mouths lined with millions of teeth, and discordant sheet music. In some depictions Zumb Zumb is also drawn as having a variety of large trumpets jutting forth from its “body,” these trumpets being covered in rust and seaweed and blaring apocalyptic drones and the blasphemous insect hum of the Ragnarök Wasps. According to the Booke of Calthurr, every now and then Zumb Zumb leaves the Crooked Universe to go feasting, its diet consisting mainly of planets, stars, and sometimes entire galaxies, though if its hunger is great enough it has also been known to consume angels and other gods as well. Unlike the other Cobwebbed Ones, it may not be evoked or summoned. Its favorite song is “Cannibal Song” by Ministry.

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