Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against Nature

There has been a lot of exciting news since The Call’s first issue. Many new contributors have made preliminary contact and a few established names have also volunteered their wares, all adding up to what we hope is a compelling array of unreality from the further reaches of our objective psyche. You are hereby introduced to the weird and the mystifying, your trembling hand held softly as we travel down forbidding and obscure paths. Remember also that The Call invites correspondence from anyone with artistic or literary interests. Please send to ben@thecallzine.com To the broad of mind and the loose of moral compass, all are welcomed to the second issue of The Call.

Ben Robinson, editor July 12 2019

Cover: Paul Jon Milne - Throat Line XIX, 2019

Image for Anne Lesley Selcer - A Ferocious Sea part 1: Shary Boyle - Fountain, 2005

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